department's head bio

Identification:  bio

  • Name: Abdul aziz
  • Surname: Monib
  • Year of Birth: 1970
  • Place of birth: Kabul-Afghanistan
  • Educational Degree: Bachelor's degree
  • Academic Rank: Pohnmal



  1. Primary School: Khawaja Lekan secondary school
  2. Secondary School: Khawaja Masafir High School
  3. Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kabul University
  4. Number of Written Publications: 6


Previous/Current Duties and Academic Services:

  • As an employee in the Department of Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Higher Education
  • General Director of Foreign Affairs Contracts of the Department of Foreign Relations of the Ministry of Higher Education
  • Professor in the Department of filamentoury Economics and History
  • Head of the department