Initiation of Ethical and Corrective Lessons by the Guidance Office and Invitation of the Ministry of Higher Education for Students of Provincial Universities at Kabul Polytechnic University

The session commenced with the recitation of verses from the Holy Qur'an.
Today, the commencement of the theological and corrective courses for students of government-run universities in the provinces, initiated by the invitation and guidance of the Ministry of Higher Education, was inaugurated at Kabul Polytechnic University.
Respected Sheikh Shakirullah Wahdat, the esteemed head of the Invitation and Guidance Department at the Ministry of Higher Education, warmly welcomed the presence of all students and expressed gratitude and appreciation for their attendance. Furthermore, Mr. Wahdat proceeded to provide detailed information about the sequence of the revelation of the Noble Qur'an to the students in his subsequent remarks.
Subsequently, esteemed Sheikh Khalifa Mahbullah comprehensively presented information regarding the Jewish community, Prophet Jesus, Prophet Moses, and divine religions in the light of Quranic verses and prophetic traditions.
Continuing the session, esteemed Sheikh Shafiul Haq delivered valuable remarks on Islamic ethics and manners for the students in attendance.
It is worth noting that these courses will continue for a duration of 15 days, during which various topics related to religion and Islam will be taught by esteemed scholars and sheikhs. Kabul Polytechnic University will host the students for their accommodation and meals throughout the duration of the program, extending from the start to the fifteenth day.